This article provides crucial steps to take if your brakes fail unexpectedly and emphasizes preventive measures to avoid such situations.
Memorize these steps to remain calm and take immediate action in the event of brake failure.
1. Steps to Take in Case of Brake Failure: Downshift to low gear (manual vehicle): If your vehicle has a manual transmission, downshifting to a lower gear can help slow down the vehicle. This can provide some degree of control and help you manage the situation.
2. Pump the brake pedal: Quickly and forcefully pump the brake pedal several times to build up brake fluid pressure. This action may restore some braking power and allow you to slow down gradually. Aim for three or four pumps to maximize effectiveness.
3. Apply the emergency brake: Engage the emergency brake to help slow down the vehicle. However, if the car begins to skid or lose control, release the emergency brake to regain stability.
4. Steer into something soft: If you are unable to stop your vehicle, try to steer into something soft, such as bushes or an open area. This can help absorb some of the impact and reduce the chances of serious injury or damage.
5. Sound your horn and flash your lights: To alert other drivers of the situation, use your horn and flash your lights. This can help prevent collisions and ensure that other motorists are aware of the potential danger.
Preventing Brake Failure
Use brakes correctly to prevent overheating: When descending on long downhill grades, use low gears and drive at a slow speed to prevent your brakes from overheating. If you notice braking becoming difficult due to overheating, pull over and allow your brakes to cool before continuing.
Avoid deep puddles in wet weather: In wet weather conditions, try to avoid driving through deep puddles as they can momentarily reduce your braking power. If your brakes do get wet, dry them by simultaneously pressing the gas pedal and lightly applying the brakes for 5 to 10 seconds at a time until they regain effectiveness.
Regular maintenance and inspection: Schedule regular brake examinations to ensure they are in good working condition. Check your brake fluid levels along with other fluids and promptly address any issues. If the brake warning light illuminates, seek the assistance of a mechanic immediately.
By memorizing the steps to take in case of brake failure and following preventive measures, you can be better prepared for unexpected situations on the road. Responding calmly and swiftly while downshifting, pumping the brake pedal, applying the emergency brake, steering strategically, and alerting others can help mitigate risks during brake failure. Additionally, maintaining your brakes properly, avoiding overheating, and seeking regular inspections contribute to a safer driving experience. Remember, prioritizing brake care and responsible usage significantly reduces the chances of encountering brake failure on the road.